BFSI Leadership & Summit Awards 2024
Mumbai | Feb 15
Data Analytics & AI Show 2024
Mumbai | Feb 28


Intellicus >  (Page 7)

Media Coverage

Analyzing the Impact of AI-ML on Workforce Productivity

The Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry has undergone significant shifts over the last decade, primarily due to the rapid advancement and…

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How WFM Solutions Help Overcome Complex BPO Management Challenges

In today’s fast-paced VUCA business landscape, BPOs are required to be constantly agile, innovative, and adaptable to stay ahead. They need…

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Workforce Management in the Digital Age

As the business process management (BPM) industry continues to evolve and grow, the importance of efficient workforce management (WFM) becomes increasingly…

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A smart world powered by artificial intelligence

New York Times columnist and winner of multiple Pulitzer Prizes, Thomas L. Freidman has called the emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI)…

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Strengthening Financial Fraud Prevention Through Business Intelligence (BI)

Traditional approaches to fraud detection and prevention are increasingly no match and it is ineffective against consistently developing and sophisticated methods…

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14,000+ Businesses Are Using Data Analytics & Business Intelligence Of This Tech Company To Make Smart Decisions

Intellicus is a data analytics and business intelligence platform which empowers organizations to make data-driven decisions. Our journey began in 2004,…

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Strengthening Financial Fraud Prevention through Business Intelligence (BI)

Traditional approaches to fraud detection and prevention are increasingly no match and ineffective against constantly developing and sophisticated methods of financial…

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How artificial intelligence can transform India’s economy

Artificial intelligence is transforming India’s economy and the way companies do business. As the technology expands, India — already famed for…

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Business Intelligence Disrupting the Logistics Sector

BI tools enable organization to analyze vast amount of data in real-time, providing valuable insights into their operation.

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The Game-Changing Role Of AI In Banking

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is emerging as an essential tool for bankers as they strive to deliver personalised and seamless experiences to…

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