Intellicus: Power To Understand Your Business

Parameter Form Enhancements

Webservice Connection based Parameter Objects

Intellicus 7.3 has come with the support of Web service type parameters while designing Ad hoc reports. A Webservice Parameter Object is based on a Query Object that uses a Webservice connection.

You need to specify the Webservice statements in order to fetch columns under SQL text box as shown below. In the below example, values for columns under Contact Name are fetched.



Enhanced support of Date Offsets in Date type Parameters

You can specify 'month' and 'year' date offsets with respect to Current Date, Month Start Date or Year Start Date in Date type parameters while executing the report.

In the image below, Report Start Date is computed as YEAR_START_DATE-9y+10, which is Jan 11, 2006.



Index - Intellicus 7.3