Intellicus: Enterprise Reporting and Business Insights PlatformEnterprise Reporting & Business Insights Platform

Ad-hoc Reporting Enhancements

Highlighting Enhancements

Comparing two fields

While preparing conditions to highlight report elements, you can compare two fields; for example compare target and actual revenue fields. A 'Use Field' check option is given to populate the list of fields in place of providing constant values.


Comparing fields for highlighting


New Aggregation Operators

Four new operators help you identify performing or non-performing records out of a group or all records.

Is in Top

This operator takes a number value (Top5 or Top10), and evaluates true for those records contributing those many top values. In an ungrouped report top N records will be identified at report level. In a grouped report, top records will be identfied in the lowest group. If you select a group level in 'Level' option, top groups will be identified with the scope of next level group.

Is in Bottom

Works same as In in Top but identifies least contributing records.

Above Average

Works same as In in Top but identifies least contributing records.

Below Average

Works same as In in Top but identifies least contributing records.

New Highlighting Operators


Exporting iHTML format reports into other formats

iHTML is advanced and interactive HTML format with DHTML grids and Javascript charts. You can now reports generated in iHTML format into other formats such as PDF or Excel.

The exported output will not be exact WYSIWYG as iHTML, but it will be rendered as per selected Ad-hoc template.



Printing iHTML format reports

You can also print the reports generated in iHTML format.


Enhanced Matrix Power Viewer

Intellicus Ad-hoc Power Viewer, provides more interaction on matrix.

Adding fields to a matrix, removing or re-position fields have been simplified.

In a two or more level of row headers or column headers, collapse and expansion options are provided.

Filter options are provided for the fields that have look up values enabled.

Matrix Power Viewer





Index - Intellicus 6.1