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Introduction of New Reporting Format iHTML

Intellicus 5.0 introduces new Reporting format - iHTML. This output format allows you, to display tabular report with New Data grid and embed  Reporting contains in HTML page of your application. It provides you efficient interactivity with desired look and feel.


iHTML Report Output

You can view an iHTML report by selecting  iHTML output format for Adhoc Reports. Intellicus renders iHTML report with new data grid for tabular and grouped contains of reports. Intellicus also apply specified iHTML template to embed Reporting contains in web page.

Adhoc report -iHTML output  format

Adhoc report -iHTML grid output

iHTML output embedded  Intellicus controls in your web page.

Adhoc report - iHTML output embedded with Intellicus controls


Deploy iHTML templates 

Intellicus provides functionality to deploy and modify  iHTML templates from Design > Adhoc Template Configuration page. iHTML template contains HTML page, images and style sheets.

Intellicus provides some predefined iHTML templates. You can also deploy your own iHTML templates based on your web page.

  Deploy and modify  iHTML templates

Post-View Operations of iHTML

Intellicus provides functionality to publish and E-mail iHTML report output.

You can publish iHTML report output for post view as iHTML format only.

Adhoc - publish iHTML report output

You can send the link of iHTML report as an E-mail to others.

Adhoc - email iHTML report output